AI-Powered Fintech Bootcamp @ KisbARKANY

SEPTEMBER 21st - 23rd

This bootcamp blends learning and networking in a picturesque setting, fostering innovation and collaboration in the world of ai and fintech.

SEPTEMBER 21st - 23rd
see schedule

During the Opening Session we form 5 randomly chosen people groups. These teams must develop digital fintech product concepts, that solve real business problems with AI-powered technology.

Mercury Labs will provide the AI cornerstones and Humanize is going to facilitate the teams in planning with a service design approach in the form of design sprints.

On the last day of the bootcamp, each team present their work in front of the professional jury, that will select the winning concept.

As afterlife of the bootcamp,  the organisers develop the best concept up to MVP: Comet provides the UX, Peak and Mercury Labs the technology. Participants in the winning team have an option to join when a possible startup company is established.





